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here are my notes from general session with Marcos Witt: if you have character, you will be a leader. to be a leader, you must have character. I Sam. 16:18 One of the servants answered, “I have seen a son of Jesse of Bethlehem who knows how to play the harp. He is a brave […]

Skill and Devotion

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these are my notes from a breakout session with Paul Baloche: worship leading is a combination of skill and devotion. we have to develop a worship vocabulary. it’s good to be transparent, but we don’t need to dump all our junk every time. some days God just needs us to show up. we don’t need […]

Is This Thing On?

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so i’m at a national conference, on a megachurch campus, in a massive auditorium, with a huge sound system, surrounded by thousands of people, and the host walks onto the stage and says…nothing. the mic wasn’t on. after a sentence or two, it finally got turned up and we could all hear him. good to […]

St. Patrick’s Day

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The largest Irish holiday is actually the celebration of a British missionary. At only 16 years old, Patrick was taken to Ireland and sold as a slave. He tended sheep, and began to pray to pass the time. Patrick discovered hope, and would pray over a hundred prayers a day as he took care of […]

God is Sparkle

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“God is sparkle!” my 4 year old daughter announced. “Lord of the sparkles!” These were the words to her impromptu worship song as we drove home this evening. It’s cute when kids sing from their heart to God, but as i heard these words, i was struck by their wondrous and mystic nature. Modernity has […]

Trick or Un-Treat

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So i shared this in church last sunday…but if you weren’t there… a week ago i got to visit another church nearby, and it was a decent experience. our kids (two little girls) liked the children’s program. basically because they walked out with paper bags full of candy. to a kid, that’s a some good […]

different kind of wisdom

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“And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ — to the […]


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Question: What are you giving up for lent? Better Question: WHY are you giving up for lent? i have had a number of conversations with people concerning lent this year. and the one reoccuring theme is that they are trying to figure out what to give up that will be least intrusive to their lives. […]