bus or bike
I rode the bus this morning. It is refreshing to be outside walking from stop to stop. I also enjoy the flexibility of transportation. Will I take the car today? The motorcycle? Bicycle? Bus? What will you take?
I rode the bus this morning. It is refreshing to be outside walking from stop to stop. I also enjoy the flexibility of transportation. Will I take the car today? The motorcycle? Bicycle? Bus? What will you take?
I’m sitting in a coffeeshop in Boulder, CO, in the same chair i sat in about 3 years ago. i love it here. when my friends moved out here to plant a church, i so wanted to join them. i think part of me still does. looking out the window, i can see the mountains. […]
i play a little drums. not a lot, but a little. i own two drumsets, and have fooled around over the years. a couple weeks ago, i got to play drums with a metronome. i was intimidated at the thought, and was sure i’d be terrible at it. what i found was a bit surprising. […]